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Query and alert on usage data

For accounts on our New Relic One pricing model, we provide a usage UI for understanding your billing-related usage and a UI for managing billing-related data. Additionally, you can:

Note that if you're on our original user model, your account hierarchy may affect your queried data. For more information, see Account structure.

Data ingest usage queries

The usage UI displays your data ingest over time. If you need more detail than the UI provides, here are some example NRQL queries:

Data ingest and query limits

For information about data ingest limits and query limits, see Query system limits.

User count queries

For a display of your user count, see the usage UI. If you need more detail than that, you can use the example NRQL queries below. For details about how users are calculated, see User calculations.

We have two versions of the New Relic One pricing model, and the version you're on impacts how your billable users are calculated, and thus affects how you query those users:

Here are example queries for these two pricing versions:

Cost-related queries

In May of 2022, we deprecated the estimatedCost attribute from usage events and removed the current month's estimated cost from the UI (learn more). If you currently use the estimatedCost attribute in your queries or alert conditions, you should remove them, or replace them with the recommended queries below.

Set usage alerts

To help manage your billing, you can set alerts to notify you of unexpected increases in data ingest or user count.

Before building usage-related alert conditions, here are some tips:

Here are some NRQL alert condition examples.

For setting up alerts related to data ingest limits and query limits, see Set alerts for hitting data limits.

Query changes to your account

To see changes made to your account (for example, changes related to managing users), you can query NrAuditEvent.

Usage-related data types


For an advanced deep dive into managing data ingest in a complex organization, see Data ingest governance.

Usage data is attached to the following events. For more detail on which event to use for querying users, see Query users.

  • NrUsage records usage every hour and is used to see the types of data being reported (for example, APM data or browser monitoring data).
  • NrConsumption records usage every hour, and is the equivalent of "real-time" usage. Use this event to observe usage trends over time.
  • NrMTDConsumption generates aggregate values from the NrConsumption event. Use this event to see usage by monthly billing period. For organizations on the core users release, this is the best event for querying user count.

Data ingest attributes

Below are some of the most important attributes attached to usage events.




The category of usage. There are three options: DataPlatform, FullStackObservability, and ProactiveDetection. (Starting November 1, 2021, IncidentIntelligence is no longer a billing factor.) For more details about these categories, see New Relic platform.


This consolidates multiple categories of usage into a single metric. Helpful when faceting by productLine. It's an enum with possible values of BasicUsers, FullUsers, and GigabytesIngested. Values for the core user release include FullPlatformUsers and CoreUsers.


ID of the New Relic account directly responsible for the stored events, as determined from the license key used.


This will be removed in May of 2022. For details, see Removal of estimated cost.

Calculates a cost estimate based on usage and metric cost. This is an estimate of costs, not the amount you will see on your invoice.

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