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Web transactions analysis report

APM's web transactions analysis report provides comparison information for web transactions, including the amount of time spent in throughput (requests per minute or rpm), total time in the web transaction, average time to execute it, and Apdex score. You can compare the past 24 hours of data with the previous 24 hour period, 7 days ago, and averages over the last 7 days.

Use this information to analyze which web transactions consume the most time, have the most number of calls, have the greatest number of standard deviations, and more. This information can help you identify where to fine-tune your app.

View the Web transactions analysis report

To view the web transactions analysis report for your app: Go to one.newrelic.com > APM > (select an app) > Reports > Web transactions.

The default report compares the last 24 hours with the previous 24-hour period, 7 days ago, and averages over the last 7 days. Apdex entries followed by an asterisk (*) indicate that more than one Apdex threshold was set for the given time period.

If you want to...

Do this

Change the amount of detail shown

Select or clear the time period checkbox options, then select Apply.

Limit the transactions that appear

Use the Filter text box; for example, to report only on transactions that include user in the name.

Change the sort order

Select any column's title to sort in ascending or descending order.

Select what data appears as a bar chart

Select a Plotting option.

View web transaction details

Select the web transaction's title to go directly to the APM Transactions page.

Return the original settings

Select the reset link.

Analyze your data

APM includes several reports in the user interface. To gather, analyze, and visualize data about your software in other formats, use query builder.

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