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Set up the Amazon CloudWatch Metric Streams integration

With the new AWS Metric Streams integration, you only need a single service, AWS CloudWatch, to gather all AWS metrics and custom namespaces and send them to New Relic.

To stream CloudWatch metrics to New Relic:

  1. Check the minimal permissions and mapping instructions.
  2. Create Kinesis Data Firehose and point it to New Relic.
  3. Next, create a CloudWatch Metric Stream to send metrics to that Firehose you've just created.
  4. Follow the guided or manual setup instructions.
  5. Validate data reception.

If you're migrating from AWS polling integrations, read our considerations.

Minimal permissions and mapping instructions

To enrich CloudWatch metrics with additional service metadata and custom tags, any AWS role configured in New Relic must be granted the following minimal permissions:


The New Relic UI currently recommends the ReadOnlyAccess policy over these individual items so that New Relic has proper permissions to collect service data that's not available in AWS CloudWatch Metric Streams.

New Relic and AWS accounts and regions mapping

  • If you manage multiple AWS accounts, then each account needs to be connected to New Relic.
  • If you manage multiple regions within those accounts, then each region needs to be configured with a different Kinesis Data Firehose pointing to New Relic.
  • You will typically map one or many AWS accounts to a single New Relic account.

Guided setup using CloudFormation

First, you need to link each of your AWS accounts with your New Relic account. To do so:

Next, set up the metric stream using the CloudFormation template we provide in the last step of our UI. This template is provided as a base to setup the integration on a single region, and can be customized and extended based on your requirements.

Manual setup using AWS Console, API, or calls

  1. Create a Kinesis Data Firehose Delivery Stream and configure the following destination parameters:
  • Source: Direct PUT or other sources
  • Data transformation: Disabled
  • Record format conversion: Disabled
  • Destination: New Relic
  • Ensure the following settings are defined:
    • New Relic configuration (Destination Settings)
      • HTTP endpoint URL - US Datacenter: https://aws-api.newrelic.com/cloudwatch-metrics/v1
      • HTTP endpoint URL - EU Datacenter: https://aws-api.eu01.nr-data.net/cloudwatch-metrics/v1
      • API key: Enter your license key
      • Content encoding: GZIP
      • Retry duration: 60
    • S3 backup mode: Failed data only
    • S3 bucket: select a bucket or create a new one to store metrics that failed to be sent.
    • New Relic buffer conditions
      • Buffer size: 1 MB
      • Buffer interval: 60 (seconds)
    • Permissions IAM role:
      • Create or update IAM role
  1. Create the metric stream.
  • Go to CloudWatch service in your AWS console and select the Streams option under the Metrics menu.

  • Click on Create metric stream.

  • Determine the right configuration based on your use cases:

    • Use inclusion and exclusion filters to select which services should push metrics to New Relic.
    • Select your Kinesis Data Firehose.
    • Define a meaningful name for the stream (for example, newrelic-metric-stream).
  • Change default output format to Open Telemetry 0.7 (JSON is not supported)

  • Confirm the creation of the metric stream.

    Alternatively, you can find instructions on the AWS documentation in order to create the CloudWatch metric stream using a CloudFormation template, API, or the CLI.

  1. Add the new AWS account in the Metric streams mode in the New Relic UI. Go to one.newrelic.com > Infrastructure > AWS, click on Add an AWS account, then on Use metric streams, and follow the steps.

Validate your data is received correctly

To confirm you are receiving data from the Metric Streams, follow the steps below:

  1. Go to one.newrelic.com > Infrastructure > AWS, and search for the Stream accounts.
  2. You can check the following:
  • Account status dashboard. Useful to confirm that metric data is being received (errors, number of namespaces/metrics ingested, etc.)
  • Explore your data. Use the Data Explorer to find a specific set of metrics, access all dimensions available for a given metric and more.

It may take few minutes until new resources are detected and synthesized as entities. See Cloud integrations system limits for more information.


AWS CloudWatch metrics for global services such as AWS S3 or AWS Billing are only availble in the us-east-1 region. Make sure there's an active CloudWatch metric stream configured in that region.

Queries, metric storage, and mapping

Metrics coming from AWS CloudWatch are stored as dimensional metrics of type summary, and can be queried using NRQL.

We've mapped metrics from the current cloud integrations to the new mappings that will come from AWS Metric Streams. You can continue to use the current metric naming, and queries will continue to work and pick data from AWS Metric Streams and the current cloud integrations.

Check our documentation on how current cloud integrations metrics map to the new metric naming.

All metrics coming from the metric stream will have these attributes:

  • aws.MetricStreamArn
  • collector.name = ‘cloudwatch-metric-streams’.

AWS namespaces' entities in the New Relic Explorer

We generate New Relic entities for most used AWS namespaces and will continue adding support for more namespaces.

When we generate New Relic entities for a namespace you can expect to:

  • Browse those entities in the New Relic Explorer.
  • Access an out-of-the-box entity dashboard for those entities.
  • Get metrics and entities from that namespace decorated with AWS tags. Collecting AWS tags requires that you have given New Relic the tag:GetResources permission which is part of the setup process in the UI. AWS tags show in metrics as tag.AWSTagName; for example, if you have set a Team AWS tag on the resource, it will show as tag.Team.
  • Leverage all the built-in features that are part of the Explorer.


Lookout view in Entity Explorer is not compatible with entities created from the AWS Metric Streams integration at this time.

Set alert conditions

You can create NRQL alert conditions on metrics from a metric stream. Make sure your filter limits data to metrics from the CloudWatch metric stream only. To do that, construct your queries like this:

SELECT sum(aws.s3.5xxErrors) FROM Metric WHERE collector.name = 'cloudwatch-metric-streams' FACET aws.accountId, aws.s3.BucketName

Then, to make sure that alerts processes the data correctly, configure the advanced signal settings. These settings are needed because AWS CloudWatch receives metrics from services with a certain delay (for example, Amazon guarantees that 90% of EC2 metrics are available in CloudWatch within 7 minutes of them being generated). Moreover, streaming metrics from AWS to New Relic adds up to 1 minute additional delay, mostly due to buffering data in the Firehose.

To configure the signal settings, under Condition Settings, click on Advanced Signal Settings and enter the following values:

  1. Aggregation window. We recommend setting it to 1 minute. If you are having issues with flapping alerts or alerts not triggering, consider increasing it to 2 minutes.
  2. Offset evaluation by. Depending on the service, CloudWatch may send metrics with a certain delay. The value is set in windows. With a 1-minute aggregation window, setting the offset to 8 ensures the majority of the metrics are evaluated correctly. You may be able to use a lower offset if the delay introduced by AWS and Firehose is less.
  3. Fill data gaps with. Leave this void, or use Last known value if gaps in the data coming from AWS lead to false positives or negatives.

See our documentation on how to create NRQL alerts for more details.

Tags collection

New Relic provides enhanced dimensions from metrics coming from AWS CloudWatch metric streams. Resource and custom tags are automatically pulled from most services and are used to decorate metrics with additional dimensions. Use the data explorer to see which tags are available on each AWS metric.

The following query shows an example of tags being collected and queried as dimensions in metrics:

SELECT average(`aws.rds.CPUUtilization`) FROM Metric FACET `tags.mycustomtag` SINCE 30 MINUTES AGO TIMESERIES

Note that not all metrics have their custom tags as dimensions. Currently, only metrics linked to entities in the New Relic Explorer have their custom tags associated. The AWS CloudWatch metric stream doesn't include tags as part of the stream message, hence, additional processing is required on the New Relic side.

Metadata collection

Like with custom tags, New Relic also pulls metadata information from relevant AWS services in order to decorate AWS CloudWatch metrics with enriched metadata collected from AWS Services APIs. This metadata is accessible in New Relic as additional dimensions on the metrics provided by AWS CloudWatch. This is an optional capability that's complementary to the CloudWatch Metric Streams integration.

The solution relies on AWS Config, which might incur in additional costs in your AWS account. AWS Config provides granular controls to determine which services and resources are recorded. New Relic will only ingest metadata from the available resources in your AWS account.

The following services / namespaces are supported:

  • EC2
  • Lambda
  • RDS
  • S3
  • API Gateway (excluding API v1)
  • ELB
  • EBS
  • DynamoDB
  • ECS

Infrastructure agent metrics and EC2 metadata decoration

As with the EC2 API polling integration, when the infrastructure agent is installed on, a host and the EC2 namespace is active via AWS CloudWatch metric stream integration, then all the infrastructure agent events and metrics are decorated with additional metadata.

The following attributes will decorate infrastructure samples. Some of these may not be applicable on all environments: awsAvailabilityZone, ec2InstanceId, ec2PublicDnsName, ec2State, ec2EbsOptimized, ec2PublicIpAddress, ec2PrivateIpAddress, ec2VpcId, ec2AmiId, ec2PrivateDnsName, ec2KeyName, ec2SubnetId, ec2InstanceType, ec2Hypervisor, ec2Architecture, ec2RootDeviceType, ec2RootDeviceName, ec2VirtualizationType, ec2PlacementGroupName, ec2PlacementGroupTenancy.

Curated dashboards

A set of dashboards for the most popular AWS Services are available in New Relic Instant Observability.

How to import dashboards

Follow these steps in order to browse and import dashboards:

  1. Click Instant Observability from the top bar of the New Relic UI.
  2. Search for any AWS service name, such as AWS SQS, AWS RDS, AWS ELB, or AWS EC2.
  3. Access the AWS service tile.
  4. Click Install this quickstarts and select your account.
  5. Click Done to confirm that AWS metric stream is already configured.
  6. Browse and adapt the dashboard according to your needs.

Have an interesting dashboard to share with the community? See contribution guidelines in the Instant Observability Github repository.

Custom metrics and percentiles

The CloudWatch metric stream integration will automatically ingest new metrics configured in the stream, including custom metrics and percentiles.

Custom metrics

To ingest CloudWatch custom metrics, make sure your custom namespace is visible in the CloudWatch metric stream configuration and it's not being filtered by inclusion or exclusion rules.


AWS CloudWatch allows you to define additional statistics, including percentiles.

Follow these steps to add percentiles to any metric available in the CloudWatch stream:

  1. On AWS, update the CloudWatch stream configuration (via API, CLI, or AWS Console) with the required percentiles in the StatisticConfiguration setting. For example, you can add p90, p95, and p99 percentiles to the ELB latency metric (aws.elb.Latency).
  2. After a few minutes, the new statistic should be made available in the stream and ingested by New Relic. Percentiles can be queried using this naming convention:
    From Metric select max(aws.elb.Latency.p99) where collector.name = 'cloudwatch-metric-streams' timeseries
    Although AWS supports other statistics in the stream beyond percentiles, those aren't made available in the Open Telemetry export format (only JSON) and are currently not supported by New Relic.

Learn more about pricing, limitations and advance configurations from the AWS documentation.

Manage your data

New Relic provides a set of tools to keep track of the data being ingested in your account. Go to Manage your data in the settings menu to see all details. Metrics ingested from AWS Metric Streams integrations are considered in the Metric bucket.

If you need a more granular view of the data you can use the bytecountestimate() function on Metric in order to estimate the data being ingested. For example, the following query represents data ingested from all metrics processed via AWS Metric Streams integration in the last 30 days (in bytes):

FROM Metric SELECT bytecountestimate() where collector.name='cloudwatch-metric-streams' since 30 day ago

We recommend the following actions to control the data being ingested:

  • Make sure metric streams are enabled only on the AWS accounts and regions you want to monitor with New Relic.
  • Use the inclusion and exclusion filters in the CloudWatch Metric Stream in order to select which services / namespaces are being collected.
  • Consider using drop data rules to discard metrics based on custom filters (for example, drop metrics by namespace and tag, tag value, or any other valid NRQL criteria).


Metrics sent via AWS Metric Streams count against your Metric API limits for the New Relic account where data will be ingested.

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