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Group infrastructure results by specific attributes

In our infrastructure monitoring tool, you can use the Group by feature to group chart results by specific attributes. For example, on the Hosts page, you might display the AWS regions with the highest CPU usage grouped by awsRegion.

Group by is available near the top of some infrastructure monitoring UI pages.

Group charts by specific attributes

On some infrastructure pages you can use Group by to group page results and charts by a specific attribute, such as host name, entity ID, or AWS region. The attributes available to group by will depend on your system setup. These may include:

To group infrastructure results by a specific attribute:

  1. On pages that have this feature, select Group by (located beside the time picker).
  2. From the dropdown, select an attribute to group by.

Combine filter sets and grouping

Grouping applies to any filter sets you have selected. By combining filter sets with Group by, you can find detailed system information quickly.

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